The summertime temperatures are here and it’s time for everyone to get outside. It’s easy for the disabled, and their loved ones to get caught up in physical limitations. But there are still plenty of activities to enjoy, and plenty of ways to have some fun in the sun.

Below are a few of our favorite summertime activities for the disabled.

Fishing – Throwing a line in the water is a great way for anyone to relax. It’s the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors with a little bit of solitude, and it’s something that everyone can enjoy.

Gardening – Planting a garden or some flowers is the perfect way to connect with nature. The great thing about gardening is it can be done on a patch of land, or it can be done in containers. It’s a wonderful way to use your hands. 

Exercise – The summertime weather means it’s a perfect time to get outside. There are plenty of ways that you can modify exercises and improve your physical and mental health. Basketball, baseball, swimming and more – they can be modified with the right equipment and some creativity.

Hit the Trails – The summer is the perfect time to immerse yourself in nature. There are plenty of suburban nature trails that are wheelchair accessible. It’s time to get out, and have fun!

Enjoy the Water – If you can get in the pool, this is the time to enjoy it. If not, the sprinkler can still provide a nice cool down.

Barbeque – Summer is the time to enjoy meats cooked over an open flame. Get out and barbeque whenever you can.

Be Social – Disabilities can often feel limiting. But there are plenty of activities that are still possible. It may be time to hit a local park or museum. Here are some ideas that are wheelchair accessible.